Project Highlights

CityLab is a biotechnology, learning laboratory housed at 801 Albany St. Through CityLab, supported by Boston University, students are provided with state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and a curriculum in biotechnology which is otherwise unavailable to most school systems. The high school students were given the opportunity to interact with Boston University science professors.
The Parcel 18+ Task Force was created in response to the proposed extension of Interstate 95 through the Southwest Corridor to downtown Boston. The construction of the highway would have displaced hundreds of families and disrupted businesses in the African-American community surrounding the Corridor. In protest of this course of action, a coalition of concerned residents and businessmen organized into the Parcel 18+ Task Force, taking their name from the land designation.

Digital Equipment Corporation
The anchor tenant in the development of Crosstown Industrial Park was the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). CDC of Boston and EDIC were co-developers of the 62,000 square feet assembly plant which opened in 1980. The general contractor for the DEC project was the John B. Cruz Construction Company and the architect was the design firm of Stull and Lee. Both of these entities for this project were Black-owned. When it originally opened, DEC employed 300 people. Nearly 70 percent came from within a seven mile radius of the plant and over 50 percent of DEC employees were people of color.
In 1987, Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries opened its 104,000 square feet headquarters in the Crosstown Industrial Park. This multi-use facility, consisting of office, industrial, and retail space, was co-developed by the CDC of Boston and the Economic Development and Industrial Corporation (EDIC). The facility now provides training and work programs for individuals with disabilities, programs that promote self-reliance for youth, and a recycled goods program.

In cooperation with the Economic Development and Industrial Corporation of Boston, the CDC of Boston looked at the Newmarket District as a possible site in the 1970s for economic development. Boston’s shortage of industrial space could be alleviated, and unemployment reduced, by encouraging development of the vacant land and dilapidated buildings of the Newmarket Industrial District.
Today, the District is a successful model of urban revitalization. Through its participation with the Newmarket Business Association, the CDC of Boston maintains close ties with businesses in the district. Together, these businesses work to improve the local economy and create jobs for area residents.
In 1989, the Gilmore/Vines Building at 801 Albany Street was opened after two years of extensive renovation. This 50,000 square foot building was purchased from the Baltimore Brush Company and developed by the CDC of Boston. The Gilmore/Vines Building was developed by the CDC of Boston into a biotechnology center which was anchored by Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM), American Biogenetic Sciences, Inc. and Boston University Dental Laboratories.